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Filter Email List To show only @gmail and @yahoo

Discussion in 'Help, Niches & Tutorials' started by Abah Moses, Oct 26, 2024.

  1. Abah Moses

    Abah Moses Jr.Vip Jr.Vip

    Filter Email List To show only @gmail and @yahoo

    To filter the email list to show only emails ending in @gmail.com and @yahoo.com, you can use the following steps depending on the software or tool you are using:

    1. In Excel:
    - Select the column containing the email addresses.
    - Go to the "Data" tab and click on "Filter".
    - Click on the filter dropdown in the email column.
    - Select "Text Filters" and then "Contains..."
    - Enter "@gmail.com" in the search box and click OK. This will filter the list to show only emails containing "@gmail.com".
    - To filter for "@yahoo.com", repeat the same steps, but this time enter "@yahoo.com" in the search box.

    2. In Google Sheets:
    - Select the column containing the email addresses.
    - Click on "Data" in the menu and select "Create a filter".
    - Click on the filter icon in the email column header.
    - Select "Filter by condition" and then choose "Text contains".
    - Enter "@gmail.com" in the search box and click "OK". This will filter the list to show only emails containing "@gmail.com".
    - To filter for "@yahoo.com", repeat the same steps and enter "@yahoo.com" in the search box.

    3. Using a programming language like Python:
    - Load the email list into a dataframe or list.
    - Use a loop or list comprehension to filter out emails that end with "@gmail.com" or "@yahoo.com".
    - Here's a simple example using Python:

    email_list = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]']

    filtered_emails = [email for email in email_list if email.endswith('@gmail.com') or email.endswith('@yahoo.com')]

    for email in filtered_emails:

    - This code will print out only the emails ending with "@gmail.com" or "@yahoo.com".

    By following these steps, you can easily filter the email list to show only emails ending in @gmail.com and @yahoo.com.

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