[Get] Google Adsense Accelerator Increase Revenue


Jul 21, 2017
Birnin KEBBI
=== Google Adsense Accelerator ===

Value: $47
Google Adsense Accelerator by Mick Moore. Now earn more from adsense for search.
== Description ==
Google Adsense Accelerator adds to your earning by replacing the normal Wordpress Search box with Google Adsense for search.
== Installation ==
Upload the "Google Adsense Accelerator" plugin to your blog using FTP (in the wp-content/plugins directory).
Activate it in the plugins menu in your wp-admin control panel
= Upgrade =
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= I have installed GAA, but it does not replace the top search box. =
1. Please open your header.php file and check if the following function exists.
if it does not exists, Please search and remove the folowing **THREE** or **FOUR** lines:
**[ Please keep a back up copy of header.php before editing anything ]**
Basically the search form, should look something like this:
( some themes may have a little variation to the following ; )
` -------------------------------
<form id="searchform" method="get" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<input type="text" value="" name="s" id="searchbox" />
<input type="submit" id="searchbutton" value="GO" /></form>
and replace it with
` -------------------------------
<?php get_search_form(); ?>
do not copy the --- lines .
= Still does not work =
2. Please go to your theme folder and rename the file `searchform.php` to `searchform-1.php`
This is done so that wordpress does not include this file as a default search box.
== Screenshots ==
no screenshots available
