Hi Guys Here is tutorial to set up ads.txt for blogger and wordpress
1. Blogger you can do this Via Dashboard Please log-in to blogger dashboard first, then follow these steps:
Go to > Settings > Search Preferences > Edit (Monetization) >
Paste the following line by line(if you have multiple publisher IDs):
- google.com,
f08c47fec0942fa0 And Save
To set up ads.txt for wordPress (self-hosted) Can be done Through Cpanel Please login to Cpanel first, then the next step:
Go to > File Manager (File Manager)> public_html > Click on File and create new file then copy and paste the ads.txt code below, please the new file should be ads.txt
Google. com, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
past the above and Save changes > Refresh and Check if it is saved.
Notes: 1. Ensure that agan have to replace "publisher Id" with yours and check if it has been installed properly by going to example . com /ads.txt ( replace example with your domain
Thanks for reading
1. Blogger you can do this Via Dashboard Please log-in to blogger dashboard first, then follow these steps:
Go to > Settings > Search Preferences > Edit (Monetization) >
Paste the following line by line(if you have multiple publisher IDs):
- google.com,
f08c47fec0942fa0 And Save
To set up ads.txt for wordPress (self-hosted) Can be done Through Cpanel Please login to Cpanel first, then the next step:
Go to > File Manager (File Manager)> public_html > Click on File and create new file then copy and paste the ads.txt code below, please the new file should be ads.txt
Google. com, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
past the above and Save changes > Refresh and Check if it is saved.
Notes: 1. Ensure that agan have to replace "publisher Id" with yours and check if it has been installed properly by going to example . com /ads.txt ( replace example with your domain
Thanks for reading