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Neco 2020 marketing questions and answers

Discussion in 'School Updates' started by Theadsensefamily, Nov 14, 2020.

  1. Theadsensefamily

    Theadsensefamily Jr.Vip Jr.Vip

    Neco 2020 marketing questions and answers will be Shared Here For Free

    (i)Customers; The success of marketing
    strategy also depends on the customers of
    company’s product. The nature of customer
    such as b2c, b2b, international or local and
    the reason for buying the product will play
    a role in establishing the marketing strategy
    of company and how they approach the
    customers and serve them. The satisfaction
    of general public is a duty of organization.
    (ii)Competition; Market competition exists
    when two or more firms sell same or similar
    products and services. The companies must
    take into account the way they approach the
    customers and sell their products to the
    customer, what price and product
    differentiation they have for their customer.
    These factors can be taken into account to
    get edge over their competitors.
    (iii)Suppliers;Business success depends on
    the suppliers when they enjoy an authority.
    The supplier of a company holds the power
    when they are the only one in the market or
    when they are the largest supplier of the
    goods. The buyer is not essential to the
    suppliers business, as the supplier’s good
    is the core ingredient of the finished
    product of buyer.
    (iv)Resellers; The success of companies
    marketing strategy also depends on
    resellers if the finished goods of a company
    is taken to market by market intermediaries
    or any other third party. These forces
    include wholesaler, retailers etc. For
    example, If the retail seller holds a
    reputable name in the market then their
    reputation can impact the marketing of
    company’s product.
    (v)Technological; The organization must
    consider the technological factors as the
    knowledge and skills used in production of
    goods. The technology and materials used
    in production of goods and services helps
    in smoothing the process of business.
    Marketing refers to activities a company
    undertakes to promote the buying or selling
    of a product or service. Marketing includes
    advertising, selling, and delivering products
    to consumers or other businesses. In other
    words Some marketing is done by affiliates
    on behalf of a company. And it can be used
    to describe efforts to produce, promote,
    package, and reclaim products in a manner
    that is sensitive or responsive.
    (i)Outbound Marketing
    (ii)Inbound Marketing
    (iii)Online Marketing
    (iv)Offline Marketing
    (i)Outbound Marketing; Outbound
    marketing, also referred to as traditional
    marketing, has been the most common
    approach for businesses in the past.
    Outbound marketing includes tactics such
    as cold calling, cold mailing, tv ads, etc.
    This strategy typically sees less return-on-
    investment or ROI due to the lack of context
    for the customer.
    (ii)Inbound Marketing;Inbound marketing is
    a relatively new tactic that was brought to
    life largely by HubSpot. Inbound marketing
    is based off of the concept of attracting
    business by being helpful and relevant to
    your audience rather than being
    interruptive. Inbound marketing makes use
    of tactics like email marketing, content
    marketing, search engine optimization etc.
    (iii)Online Marketing; refers to any of the
    various marketing strategies that a business
    may use to promote themselves on the
    internet. Online marketing, sometimes
    referred to as digital marketing, is a fairly
    catch-all term and includes web tactics
    such as social media marketing, search
    engine marketing, blogging, and more.
    (iv)Offline Marketing; refers to any
    marketing strategy a business uses outside
    of the internet. This marketing type
    contains more of the traditional, or
    outbound, marketing tactics. With offline
    marketing, businesses will use platforms
    like television, radio, word-of-mouth, mail,
    flyers, and more. This type of marketing
    doesn't have nearly the reach as online
    marketing but like any marketing strategy,
    can still be a viable option depending on
    the situation, who you are trying to reach,
    and what you are trying to accomplish.
    situational analysis; is the potential
    customers, evaluates projected growth,
    assesses competitors and makes a realistic
    assessment of your business. It involves
    targeting the specific objectives in the
    business and identifying the factors that
    support or hinder those objectives. In other
    words is a set of methods used to
    thoroughly examine both internal and
    external factors of any business and their
    Marketing objectives; are a brand's defined
    goals. They outline the intentions of the
    marketing team, provide clear direction for
    team members to follow, and offer
    information for executives to review and
    support. Marketing objectives are a pivotal
    part of a marketing strategy.
    marketing strategy; refers to a business's
    overall game plan for reaching prospective
    consumers and turning them into customers
    of the products or services the business
    provides. A marketing strategy contains the
    company’s value proposition, key brand
    messaging, data on target customer
    demographics, and other high-level
    elements. In other words it specific on the
    types of marketing activities a company
    conducts and contains timetables for rolling
    out various marketing initiatives.
    Budget; is an estimation of revenue and
    expenses over a specified future period of
    time and is usually compiled and re-
    evaluated on a periodic basis. Budgets can
    be made for a person, a group of people, a
    business, a government, or just about
    anything else that makes and spends
    money. in other words is a financial
    document used to project future income
    and expenses.
    marketing plan is a detailed road map that
    outlines your marketing strategies, tactics,
    costs and projected results over a period of
    time. In other words marketing plan
    contains a list of actions, without a sound
    strategic foundation, it is of little use to a
    business. And is an operational document
    that outlines an advertising strategy that an
    organization will implement to generate
    leads and reach its target market.
    promotion refers to any type of marketing
    communication used to inform or persuade
    target audiences of the relative merits of a
    product, service, brand or issue. ... The aim
    of promotion is to increase awareness,
    create interest, generate sales or create
    brand loyalty.
    (ii)Public Relations
    (iii)Sales Promotion
    (iv)Public Relations
    (i)Advertising; is any form of impersonal
    (one-way) paid communication in which the
    company is identified. Fun Town realized
    that it needed to have a good advertising
    campaign because this would allow the
    company to reach a large number of people
    effectively. Fun Town used television, radio,
    newspaper, social media and Internet ads to
    introduce the target market to a grand
    opening of the amusement park. The park
    also used giant billboards and e-mails to
    reach other local customers.
    (ii)Public Relations; it helps build a
    positive public image for a company,
    supports new product launches and sales,
    helps a company to evaluate public
    attitudes and communicates the overall
    goals of the company. Fun Town has
    multiple days throughout the year where
    they donate a percentage of ticket sales to
    local charities. They also have days where
    they close the park down and invite
    disadvantaged youths to enjoy the rides for
    (iii)Sales Promotion; is another tool in the
    promotional mix. It contains methods of
    stimulating consumer purchase and is
    usually based on a short-term or immediate
    goal. Examples of sales promotion items
    are contests, sweepstakes, giveaways, free
    samples or coupons. Fun Town has
    invested heavily in sales promotion. They
    have had contests, like the first 1,000
    people in the park would get a prize. They
    also had giveaways of free Fun Town water
    bottles, t-shirts, hats and canvas bags.
    (iv)Public Relations; Most firms in today’s
    environment are also concerned about the
    effect of their actions on people outside
    their target markets although it may include
    them. It is a planned effort by an
    organization to influence the attitudes and
    opinions of a specific group by developing
    a long term relationship. The target may be
    customers, stock holders, a government
    agency or a special interest group.
    Service product; is when a business offers a
    service and a product or a good together as
    its practice. This is also called service-good
    mix, and it can refer to many different types
    of businesses in all different industries. in
    other words it takes place in inter-action
    between the customer and service
    employees and/or physical resources or
    goods and/or systems of the service
    Consumer product; also referred to as final
    goods, are products that are bought by
    individuals or households for personal use.
    In other words, consumer products are
    goods that are bought for consumption by
    the average consumer. From a marketing
    perspective, there are four types of
    consumer products, each with different
    marketing considerations.
    Shopping product; refer to items that the
    consumers purchase less frequently and
    compare with available alternatives in the
    market. Consumers need time, planning and
    efforts to take the final decision whether to
    buy the product or not. In other words
    Consumers don’t buy these products very
    often but whenever buy they keep in mind
    different consideration like cost, time and
    efforts to take the final decision.
    Industrial product; the goods are based on
    the demand for the consumer goods they
    help to produce. Industrial product are
    classified as either production goods or
    support goods. In other words higher
    purchase value Industrial product typically
    come with a higher price tag because of
    their complex nature and limited target
    unsought product; is a product of which
    consumers are unaware or are not that
    interested in actively pursuing for purchase.
    A high degree of marketing, including heavy
    advertising and aggressive sales techniques,
    is often necessary due to consumer
    unawareness of the product or no real
    desire to purchase it.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2020

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