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NECO Mathematics Questions and Answers 2020 | Theory and Objectives

Discussion in 'School Updates' started by Joy Okeke Vivian, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. Joy Okeke Vivian

    Joy Okeke Vivian Daughter OF Zion Staff Member Moderator

    NECO 2020 Mathematics Essay and OBJ
    Answers Loading..
    Today’s Math Essay Answers:
    No (1a)
    y – y1/x – x1=y2 – y1/x2 – x1
    y – 5/x – 6 = 7 – 5/-2 – 6
    y – 5/x – 6 = 2/-8 = 1/-4
    y – 5 = 1/4(x – 6)
    y – 5 = -1/4x + 6/4
    y = -1/4x + 6/4 + 5
    y = -1/4x + 3/2 + 5
    y = -1/4x + 13/2
    OR 4y = -x+26
    X + 4y = 26
    No (1b)
    S(2x + 9)dx
    = 2X¹+¹/1+1 + 9x]2
    = x²+9x]2
    =[2²+9(2)] – [(-1)² + 9(-1)]
    =[4 + 18] – [1 – 9]
    = 22 + 8
    = 30
    No that traveled by bus
    = u+18+5+12 = 52
    =u+35 = 52
    u = 52 – 35
    u = 17
    No that traveled by train
    = 6+5+12+v = 35
    V + 23 = 35
    V = 35 – 23
    V = 12
    Total no of tourist
    =u+v+w+18+12+6+5 = 100
    17+12+w+18+12+6+5 = 100
    W + 70 = 100
    W = 100 – 70
    W = 30
    No who travelled by at least two means
    of transportation
    = 18 + 6 + 12 + 5
    = 41
    EF = 50
    Median = 25th + 26th/2
    = 6+6/2 = 6
    Range = 10 – 3 = 7
    Median + Range = 6 + 7 = 13
    Prob(Olu passes) = 2/5
    Prob(Tony passes) = 3/4
    Prob(Olu fails) = 3/5
    Prob(Tony fails) = 1/4
    Prob(both passes) =
    2/5 × 3/4 = 3/10
    X² + 3x – 28 = 0
    X² +7x – 4x – 28 = 0
    X(x+7)-4(x+7) = 0
    (X – 4)(X + 7) = 0
    X – 4 = 0 OR x + 7 = 0
    X = 4 OR x = -7
    8x/9 – 3x/2 = 5/6 – x
    Multiply by 18
    18(8x/9) -18(3x/2) = 18(5/6) -18x
    16x – 27x = 15 – 18x
    18x + 16x – 27x = 15
    7x = 15
    X = 15/7
    X = 2 whole 1/7
    d/dx(4x³ – 2x + 4)⁵
    = 5(4x³-2x+4)⁴ × (12x² – 2)
    = 10(6x² – 1)(4x³ – 2x + 4)⁴
    5/3(2-x) – (1-x)/(2-x) = 2/3
    Multiply through with 3(2-x)
    3(2-x)[5/3(2-x)] -3(2-x)[1-x/2-x] =
    5 – 3(1-x) = (2 – x)(2)
    5 – 3 + 3x = 4 – 2x
    3x + 2x = 4 + 3 – 5
    5x = 2
    X = 2/5
    Volume of sphere = 9 ⅓ ×(its surface
    4/3πr³ = 28/3×4πr²
    r = 28 units
    Surface area = 4πr²
    = 4×22/7×28×28
    = 9856 units squared.
    Volume = 9 ⅓ × 9856
    = 28/3 × 9856
    = 91989.33
    =91989 cubic units
    log10(3x – 5)² – log10(4x -3)² = log10
    Log10(3x – 5/4x – 3)² = log10 25
    (3x – 5/4x – 3)² = 25
    Square root of both sides gives
    3x-5/4x-3 = ±5
    3x-5 = 5(4x-3) OR 3x-5 = 5(4x-3)
    3x-5 = 20x-15 OR 3x-5 = 20x+15
    3x-20x = 5-15 OR 3x+20x = 15+5
    -17x = -10 OR 23x = 20
    X = 10/17 OR x = 20/23
    Given: 3x + 5y = 10
    5y = -3x + 10 OR y = -3/5x+ 2
    Gradient of the straight line = -1 ÷
    = 5/3
    Equation of line:y-2/x-3 = 5/3
    3y-6 = 5x – 15
    3y = 5x – 15 + 6
    3y = 5x – 9
    y = 5/3x – 3
    Intercept of line = -3
    Amount = P(1+R/100)³
    =8000(1.05)³ OR 8000(1.05/100)³
    Compound interest = Amount – principal
    = 9261 – 8000
    = #1261
    Let the woman’s age be W
    Let the daughter’s age be d
    Given: w = 4d—–(1)
    Put eqn(1)into(2)
    (4d+5)² = (d+5)² + 120
    (4d+5)² – (d+5)² = 120
    [4d+5+d+5][4d+5-d-5] = 120
    [5d+10][3d] = 120
    5(d+2)(3d) = 120
    15(d+2)(d) = 120
    d(d+2) = 8
    d² + 2d – 8 = 0
    d² + 4d – 2d – 8 = 0
    d(d+4) -2(d+4) = 0
    (d – 2)(d + 4) = 0
    d – 2 = 0 (only)
    d = 2
    Daughter is 2 years old
    t = w + wy²/PZ
    Multiply through by PZ
    Pat = PWZ + wy²
    Wy² = ptz – pwz
    y² = Pz(t – w)/w
    y = ±√PZ(t – w)/w
    If P = 5, Z = 10, t = 9, w=3
    y = ±√(5)(10) (9-3)/3
    y = ±√(5)(10)(6)/3
    y = ±√100
    y = ±10
    The frequency of the modal class is 15.
    Mean (x̅) =Ʃfx/Ʃf=1060/50=21.2
    Variance =Ʃf(x-x̅)²/Ʃf
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    Today’s Maths OBJ:
    1-10: ACBAECABAE
    11-20: CCABBCACEE
    21-30: BBEBBBACBD
    31-40: CCAEBAAABD
    41-50: DABBBCCBBD
    51-60: DACEADAEEA
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