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Step Opening Us Bank Account Second Method

Discussion in 'Help, Niches & Tutorials' started by Theadsensefamily, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. Theadsensefamily

    Theadsensefamily Jr.Vip Jr.Vip

    We Shall be Creating Us Account via Etrade

    Etrade is an online financial facility that provides financial services to over 40 countries worldwide. It acts exactly like a bank. Since it is an American based service provider, AdSense recognizes ETrade as a bank.
    Follow my instructions below and you will have an account with them sooner than you’ve expected.
    Click on the link below to log on the account opening page:

    Fill ONLY the things in the steps and NOTHING else.
    1.Account type: Mark the box labeled individual account.
    2.Put your name, initial of middle name and Last name in the fields under “Primary Account holder. Leave the whole “Co Account Holder” side of the form blank.
    3.Put your “HOME” address under address. NOT your US address.
    4.Put your Home and Business phone numbers in the next field.
    The format must be “+91(0)9910670401″. Copy the format.
    5.Mark the boxes “no” under the next three options on this side of the form and continue to the next page.
    6.put your passport number under the passport number field.
    7.put your Country under the “passport country of issuance and the “country of legal residence and the “Country of citizenship”
    8.Move on to “create your investment profile” just below this.
    9.Select the boxes “capital preservation”, “none”, “your income”, “you’re approximate net worth”, and “your approximate liquid worth”.
    I would select a medium income for all these to be safe.
    10.Under (4) “Select your account features”, under “taxable income” select Etrade Financial sweep deposit account. It’s the first choice in the list.
    11.Leave the “Tax exempt Income” Blank. 12.Cash management features, select “free check writing” and NOT The debit card option. This will come later and you will be charged for it if you select it now.
    13.Leave the rest of the form blank and continue.
    14.On page 3, under “Fund your account” select the last option “I plan to wire funds from another financial institution.
    15. Under ” Sign and date your application” , select ” I am not a US person ”
    16.Sign this page and move on to page 4.
    17. Leave Page 4 blank, but sign and include it.
    18.Under” Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding ”
    19.Under “Name of individual or organization that is the beneficial owner” put your own name
    20.Under “Country of incorporation or organization” put your own country.
    21.Under “Permanent residence address” put your street address.
    22.Under “City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate.” Put your city, then state/province, then postal code
    23.Under “country”, put your country.
    24. “Claim of Tax Treaty Benefits (if applicable)” tick box a) and put in your country.
    25.Leave the rest of the form blank, Expect put “self” under the “category under which acting”
    26. Sign and date the form. Now you’re done with the forms.

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