Traffic Exchange Programs


Am Born To Win
Staff member
Jul 23, 2017
Traffic exchange programs are abundant on the internet and a good way to get exposure and clicks to your website. Traffic exchanges, also called TE, work like this. They are free to join. Once you've joined, you post a short (compelling) description and link of the site you want to promote. In order to get exposure to your site you need to earn credits. The more credits you have, the more exposure you will get. You can earn credits either by clicking on the other members' sites or you can buy your credits or upgrade your membership. This article will give you a description of some of the top traffic exchanges. TrafficSwarm. This is one of the most popular traffic exchanges on the net. The quickest and easiest way to earn credits with Trafficswarm is to set your browser's "start page" to your own personal 'Surf URL' on TrafficSwarm (there are step by step instructions on how to do this and it only takes a minute). This way, every time you open your web browser to surf the Internet, you'll earn a credit. You'll also earn 1 - 1000 credits every time you visit another member's website through your start page. TrafficSwarm has the most users and visits of any other TE, and they also have an outstanding referral program. Dragonsurf is another one of the best traffic exchange programs and one of its main benefits is that it allows you to build up credits fast. The traffic exchange is owned by Soren Jordansen who has a very good reputation in this business. TrafficSplash has risen quickly to become one of the best traffic exchanges on the internet. TrafficSplash has an impressive design, the cheapest upgrades and credits you can find, and the extremley good customer service. This traffic exchange also offers many rewards that range from credits to splash points. Referal commissions for Traffic Splash are 50% which also places it in the excellent range. Included in the TrafficSplash promotion page are personalized splash pages, regular splash pages, a splash page generator, banners, rotators, sample emails and sample textlinks. Soaring4Traffic is considered an extremely effective and innovative traffic exchange with lots of unique tools and friendly customer service. The only drawbacks of this traffic exchange are that the upgrades are over-priced and the referral commissions are only 40% BlueSurf is one of the newer traffic exchanges and has actually surpassed DragonSurf in alexa rankings. This company is innovated in this respect: the home page always includes an "average surf" number. On the home page, it says "The number you see above is the average number of pages each surfer at blue-surf surfed yesterday." To promote consistent surfing -- and to reward the "average" surfer, all you have to do is surf more pages than the number above and you will get a 15 credit bonus at the end of the day. This ads up. Start out with one or all of the above traffic exchange programs to boost traffic to your site.