Waec 2020/2021 Civic Education Answers

saidu bala

Aug 26, 2021
Waec 2020/2021 Civic Education Answers.

Civic Education answer will be posted here for free for waec 2021 just keep refresh the page.

2021 WAEC Civic Education

PAPER 2 [Essay]
Answer any FOUR questions.
Write your answers on the answer
booklet provided.
1. a) What are values?
(b) State six importance of values to
the Nigerian society.
ANS: (a) Values are the ideas, things,
or principles cherished by people in
a society.
(b) (i) Values help to determine and
control the behavior of individuals
in society.
(ii) They act as criteria or measures
for the judgment of the actions of
individuals in society.
(iii) Values give focus and direction
to individuals in the family and
society at large.
(iv) Values help us in decision-
(v) Values modify our attitudes and
feelings towards other people
through tolerance of different
opinions and behavior.
(vi) Values act as standards of
conduct for people in a society
(vii) Values guide people toward the
achievement of declared objectives
e.g. individual, family, communal,
corporate, and national objectives
among others.
(viii) Values promote unity,
harmony, and cooperation in society.
(ix) Values encourage a sense of
responsibility and hard work among
Nigerian citizens.
2. (a) Explain the term citizenship
(b) State four reasons for effective
citizenship education of
Nigerian youths.
ANS: (a) Citizenship education is a
process of enlightening or training
citizens on their rights and
responsibilities. Citizenship
education is a form of education
given to citizens with a view to
making them responsible individuals
who are committed to the
meaningful development of their
(b) Effective citizenship education
helps to:
(i) sensitize Nigerian youths on their
duties and rights as citizens.
(ii) produce responsible, well-
informed, and self-reliant Nigerian
(iii) inculcate the right values and
attitudes into the youths for the
development of society.
(iv) help citizens especially youths
identify national problems and
proffer solutions.
(v) produce enlightened youths who
are politically and nationally
(vi) instill in the youths high moral
standards which are required for the
development of the country.
(vii) encourage national integration
and nation-building.
(viii) prepare the youths for future
leadership roles.
3. (a) What is the meaning of the
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR)?
(b) Highlight any six rights or
freedoms in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights of
ANS: (a) Universal Declaration of
Human Rights (UDHR) refers to a
global proclamation specifying the
rights of individuals. It is the
primary international expression of
the fundamental/ inalienable rights
members of the human race.
It was adopted by the General
Assembly of the United Nations
Organization on December 10, 1948,
in Paris, France. The Charter consists
of thirty (30) articles on Human
4. (a) Define human trafficking.
(b) State six causes of human
trafficking in Nigeria.
ANS: (a) Human trafficking is the
illicit/ illegal business in the sale and
transportation of human beings for
economic and other selfish purposes.
Usually, the unsuspecting victims are
lured away into forced labour,
prostitution, and other forms of
(b) (i) Poverty – this makes victims
very vulnerable.
(ii) Youth unemployment.
(iii) Disorientation of values/moral
decadence in the society.
(iv) Greed and get-rich-quick
(v) Corruption in the society which
encourages adventures into crimes.
(vi) Bad leadership which fails to
protect citizens and provide for their
social, economic, and other related
(vii) Ignorance or lack of knowledge/
awareness on the part of victims of
human trafficking.
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