
Elite Member
Jul 21, 2017
Birnin KEBBI
Please dont get confused, i use this method on one of my blogs though on a school info site. mostly during waec and neco exams and it works well.

OK let's get the process
Step 1 With this method you will need a Google Adsense Account and you should have one if you don’t please sign up for one. Copy the following link in your browser:

Step 2 Making your website. Yes you need a website for this method. Don’t get scared now you can find some really cheap hosting offers around the net. HostGator offers cheap hosting and with buying your domains over at GoDaddy you cannot go wrong in price!* Then we need a nice name. For the adult direction:
For the kids direction:

*Note The files that are included are set up for an Adult campaign you find it below. Because they are quicker to click your Ads then children. The method is best to use in the Adult direction, this if you want the best results thus payment.

WARNING In the ZIP file you found two HTML FILES and a JPG. Only use these files while executing the blackSense method. Do not keep them on your on your FTP/site longer than 10 - 15 minutes per session.

Step 3 Set up your sites with your chosen name and upload the two HTML Files (index.html and index2.html) in your root.

Step 4 Now go to and search for "Free Java Chat Rooms". Click a java chat room and enter the adult chat room(s) on that site.

Step 5 Choosing you nickname for the chat. If your website is named make your name something like DebbyGotPicsPmMe or NaughtyDebbyGotPics. You can think of any name just two exampled to give you an indication of what it should look like.

Step 6 Then enter the chat room with your nickname set and type “hello” and you will be getting a lot of people want to converse private with you. You want this because if you are spamming your link in the main channel you will be banned.

Step 7 Send the boys and girls to your site and let the website do the work. You will let them think they have to click a free ad to gain access to your dirty pictures. Important: Send them to the index.html

Step 8 If they come back and say it doesn’t work just ignore them or to get some extra clicks simply say: “Try again!” Execute the method for 10 to 15 minutes.

Step 9 After your session has ended delete index.html and the image file n your FTP and rename index2.html to index.html. And overwrite the old index.html. will now be saying it is “under construction”

Step 10 Now your only problem is that your CTR may be a bit high. You can prevent this from happening by making your website bigger with legit pages with your ads on it and go through them every day to get some views. You can automate the process by using a viewing/impression bot. But I recommend to send real traffic to your site. Which will view your site give you some more clicks and lowering you CTR at the same time.

Credits Steven jones
You can get free traffic from hit leap and 10kview to maintain good ctr
