They won't charge anything and you can delete
your payment method when you login.
1. Go to the site and click Start for free https://
2. Choose any category of business, and come
up with a name (I chose a name similar to the
domain name)
3. The next step, we enter the data for
registration mail, name, surname, password.
Click on next.
4. Next, enter the data from the card that you do
not mind, and indicate all the information. They
will not charge anything from the card for
verification. Click further and on the next page
we simply confirm.
The account is successfully registered, we go to
the mail and confirm
After that, we log in to our account, go to the
Online tab -> Domain -> Claim your Domain
5. Select the domain name
Go further, Fill in all the information again and
click Submit After that you will receive
confirmation of all information on mail
6. Follow the link and click Verify my
Information, Go to the site
Click Online -> Domain
And we see that our domain is registered.
Offer ends Dec 31, 2020
Note : You can sign up using Debit or Credit card
or Paypal even with zero balance.
They won't charge anything and you can delete
your payment method when you login.
1. Go to the site and click Start for free https://
2. Choose any category of business, and come
up with a name (I chose a name similar to the
domain name)
3. The next step, we enter the data for
registration mail, name, surname, password.
Click on next.
4. Next, enter the data from the card that you do
not mind, and indicate all the information. They
will not charge anything from the card for
verification. Click further and on the next page
we simply confirm.
The account is successfully registered, we go to
the mail and confirm
After that, we log in to our account, go to the
Online tab -> Domain -> Claim your Domain
5. Select the domain name
Go further, Fill in all the information again and
click Submit After that you will receive
confirmation of all information on mail
6. Follow the link and click Verify my
Information, Go to the site
Click Online -> Domain
And we see that our domain is registered.
Offer ends Dec 31, 2020
Note : You can sign up using Debit or Credit card
or Paypal even with zero balance.